Follow today’s lesson in the video here. If you cannot play the video, the instructions and the answers are below. Učno uro spremljaj prek videoposnetka. Če ti videoposnetek morda nagaja, so navodila in rešitve nalog v dokumentu spodaj. ![]() Note: I have seen quite a few misspelled words of doesn't. Take extra care: it is wrong to write dosen't. Remember: first, you need the helping verb DO, then add -ES for 3rd person singular, then add the shortened version of "not", so you get DOESN'T. :) Pozor! Kar nekajkrat sem v vaših prepisih zasledila napačno zapisano besedo doesn't - pogosto vidim napisano dosen't, kar je napačno Bodite posebej pozorni in si zapomnite takole: najprej rabite pomožni glagol DO, potem za tretjo osebo ednino dodate -ES, potem za zanikanje dodate okrajšan "not", in na koncu dobite DOESN'T. :) Today, you will need your workbook and student's book. Potrebovali boste delovni zvezek in učbenik. ![]()
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Alenka Morel
June 2020
OŠ Polje | Angleščina 6. razred |
Osnovna šola Polje