![]() What do you do in your free time? What’s your favourite hobby? Do you know any unusual hobbies? Open your Student’s book (SB, p. 92): Unusual hobbies Look at the photos and the headings. What are these hobbies? Match the hobbies and the photos. (Exercise 1) Now read the website article – you can also listen to it in a recording (TJA 6 EP0‑U5‑Culture – p92 - exe 2.mp3). Help yourself with the glossary below. Bralno razumevanje: Nenavadni hobiji S čim se ukvarjaš v prostem času? Kateri je tvoj najljubši hobi (prostočasna dejavnost)? Ali poznaš kakšne nenavadne hobije? Odpri učbenik na strani 92: Unusual hobbies Oglej si fotografije in naslove kratkih besedil. Katera fotografija sodi h kateremu besedilu? Poveži (naloga 1). Preberi besedila oz. spletni članek – lahko ob branju tudi poslušaš avdio posnetek (TJA 6 EP0‑U5‑Culture – p92 - exe 2.mp3). Za razumevanje si pomagaj s slovarčkom spodaj (Glossary). Now read the sentences in exercise 2. If you need, you can read and listen to the recording again. Which hobby are the sentences about? Write O for origami, J for juggling or C for coin collecting. The answers are in the file below. Into your notebook, write the title “Unusual hobbies” and copy the glossary together with Slovenian translations of the words. Then read the questions in exercise 4 and write full answers into your notebook. Preberi povedi v 2. nalogi. Če želiš oz. potrebuješ, lahko besedilo znova poslušaš in prebereš. O katerem hobiju govorijo povedi? Napiši O za origami, J za žongliranje in C za zbiranje kovancev. Odgovore najdeš na naslednji strani. Odpri zvezek in napiši naslov »Unusual hobbies«. V zvezek prepiši slovarček (Glossary) in dopiši slovenske prevode besed, ki jih najdeš v slovarčku delovnega zvezka. Preberi vprašanja v 4. nalogi in v polnih povedih odgovore zapiši v zvezek. *) OPTIONAL VIDEO: You can also watch a video from your Student’s book about different hobbies. You can find the video on the website here: http://www.ospolje.si/anglescaron269ina-6-razred. *) IZBIRNI VIDEOPOSNETEK: Lahko si ogledaš videoposnetek iz tvojega učbenika na str. 92, ki prikazuje različne hobije. Video najdeš na spletni strani: http://www.ospolje.si/anglescaron269ina-6-razred. Culture documentary: Hobbies. English Plus Starter, 2nd edition. OUP 2017. Page 92. ![]()
*PS: Ali je še kdo v besedilu s polno napakami našel eno, ki se je v mojih popravkih izmuznila? :) *) OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: You can have a try at an easy origami. Practise English while following the instructions under Read more ... *) IZBIRNA DEJAVNOST: Lahko se poskusiš v zgibanju papirja. Angleščino vadi ob sledenju navodilom za origami škatlico v delu »Read more« na isti strani: http://www.ospolje.si/anglescaron269ina-6-razred. *) OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: An easy origami (https://origamijapan.net/box-type-1/) A standard Origami box is so useful. You wish to make not just one but many! These origami projects are easy to make and let you use whatever paper you happen to have–A4 paper, newspaper, etc. Try using some nice paper, such as special origami paper, drawing paper or gift wrap to make your project more beautiful. ![]() HOW TO MAKE AN ORIGAMI BOX FROM A4 PAPER It's easy to fold and very simple. It takes two minutes with this tutorial. Step 1 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Step 2 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Step 3 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Step 4 Open the paper as shown to create a small pocket. Then flatten down the sides of the pocket. Step 5 Continue from step 4. Step 6 Turn over the paper. Step 7 Open the paper as shown to create a small pocket. Then flatten down the sides of the pocket. Step 8 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Fold the reverse side in the same manner. Step 9 Rotate the paper 180 degrees. Step 10 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Fold the reverse side in the same manner. Step 11 Fold the paper along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow. Fold the reverse side in the same manner. Step 12 Fold along the dotted line in the direction of the arrow and insert the edge into pocket. Fold the reverse side in the same manner. Step 13 Fold and crease in the direction of the arrow. Step 14 Open the paper in the direction of the arrow. Step 15 Complete.
1 Comment
Alenka Morel
June 2020
OŠ Polje | Angleščina 6. razred |
Osnovna šola Polje