1) Did you fill in last week’s questionnaire on the Present Simple? If not, do it here: https://forms.gle/fRR5W1Cw6xGjdVVu6 Si izpolnil/a vprašalnik prejšnjega tedna o Present Simple? Če še nisi, ga reši tu: https://forms.gle/fRR5W1Cw6xGjdVVu6. 2) Check your homework: the answers to your last homework on spelling for 3rd person singular are in the video. V videu preveri svojo domačo nalogo o zapisu 3. osebe v ednini. Follow the exercise: you'll need your student's book. Potem sledi navodilom. Potreboval/a boš učbenik. Here's only the video from your Student's book on page 45 to explain the Present Simple tense. Tukaj pa je samo posnetek iz tvojega učbenika na str. 45, kjer je razložen navadni sedanjik. (C) English Plus Starter, 2. izdaja, Oxford University Press, 2016. 4) For “homework”, open your Workbook on page 37. Do exercises 1 and 3. We will check the answers tomorrow. Za "domačo nalogo" reši naloge v DZ: str. 37, nalogi 1 in 3. Nalogo bomo pregledali jutri.
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Alenka Morel
June 2020
OŠ Polje | Angleščina 6. razred |
Osnovna šola Polje