There are oral exams going on this week, especially on Thursday and Friday, so keep practising the Present Simple, all forms:
Te dni, predvsem v četrtek in petek potekajo ustna ocenjevanja. Samostojno se učite in vadite navadni sedanjik v vseh oblikah:
If you want extra practice, you can do any extra online exercises from Tuesday’s questionnaire. Kdor želi dodatne vaje, lahko reši več spletnih nalog iz torkovega vprašalnika. Lahko še enkrat preberete pravila v DZ, str. 74 in 76 ter naredite kakšno od vaj na str. 75 in 77.
1 Comment
29/10/2024 04:26:37
Oral exams can be quite challenging, but they also provide a great opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge! How do you prepare your students for these exams? I’m looking forward to hearing more tips! <a href="">Telkom University Jakarta</a>.
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June 2020
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