![]() Here is your homework quiz https://quizizz.com/join?gc=292452 for the holiday time, so you don’t get all rusty with your Present Simple practice. ;) The quiz here will be open to Monday, 4 May 2020, 9 am. Tu je povezava do kviza https://quizizz.com/join?gc=292452 ki je za domačo nalogo med počitnicami, tako da vaše znanje navadnega sedanjika ne bo popolnoma zarjavelo. ;) Kviz bo odprt do ponedeljka, 4. maja 2020, do 9. ure zjutraj. Dodajam povezavo na še en kviz za tiste, ki želijo dodatno vaditi. https://quizizz.com/join?gc=140200 Oba kviza lahko rešujete kolikor krat želite. Here are the answers to the exercises in the Student’s book for those, who could not attend our video conference lesson on Thursday or Friday. Tu so odgovori za naloge v učbeniku za tiste, ki se niso mogli udeležiti video ure angleščine v četrtek ali petek. ANSWERS/REŠITVE: Student’s Book, page 50/ exercises 3, 4, 5 – Učbenik, str. 50 / 3, 4, 5 And enjoy your holidays!
1 Comment
29/10/2024 04:37:20
I found the quiz answers very helpful for understanding the material better! Are there any additional resources you recommend for practice? I appreciate the effort put into this. <a href="https://jakarta.telkomuniversity.ac.id/category/pendidikan/">Telkom University Jakarta</a>.
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Alenka Morel
June 2020
OŠ Polje | Angleščina 6. razred |
Osnovna šola Polje