Today I want you to check your student’s book. Check all the pages listed below and do what is missing. Usually, we did all the exercises. Sometimes, the last one was extra. Danes te prosim, da pregledaš svoj učbenik. Vzemi svoj učbenik in preveri strani, zapisane spodaj, ter izpolni, kar manjka. Običajno smo naredili vse naloge. Včasih je bila zadnja naloga na izbiro. STUDENT’S BOOK / UČBENIK Unit 4
*) EXTRA: If you are interested into music, you can look at page 88 in your Student’s Book. It presents different musical instruments, types of music and gives you the language to give your opinion about a piece of music. *) IZBIRNO: Če te zanima glasba, si lahko ogledaš stran 88 v učbeniku. Predstavlja različne glasbene instrumente in glasbene zvrsti ter ti ponudi jezik, s katerim podaš svoje mnenje o neki glasbi. Se vidimo jutri, v sredo! :)
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Alenka Morel
June 2020
OŠ Polje | Angleščina 6. razred |
Osnovna šola Polje