You can choose how to get your next oral mark. There are two options: A) An oral exam, consisting of: 1) Vocabulary: you have to explain three of the the words that we learned. 2) Description of a person based on a picture. 3) A story in the Past Simple tense: you get a picture story and tell me what happened. You have to use the Past Simple tense and know how to form the positive, negative and questions. B) Home reading. You can choose one of the proposed books, read it and then do the following: 1) Choose 10 new words, write the sentences from the book with this word into your notebook, try to find another English word with the same, similar or opposite meaning and a translation. Here is an example: landing - to land OK. Are you ready for landing? ≠ opp.: take off (vzlet) = pristati, pristanek You will be asked to tell me three words. 2) Prepare a description of one character. You will tell it to the teacher. 3) Prepare to tell the teacher the story - the book's summary - in English, in the Past Simple tense, using the positive, negative and question forms. Try to talk as freely as if telling the story to a friend. ***
If you decide to read a book, tell me by 18 May (test date). Otherwise, I will consider that you want to take the normal oral exam. The oral exams begin on 23 May 2017. ***
Your English Teacher
June 2019
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